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I have completed 6 days of training with CAST.

Toronto is a very international, lively, cosmopolitan city...indeed

A new and risky direction of research.

Can we help to identify who suits sandplay or not?

What is the neural basis, and what really get change, and can the change be substained, and what facilitate that change neuropsychologically?

Would that have implications on what it is in the healing process of individuation, and the gradual incorporation of the unconscious into consciousness, and what effect does that has on our biological system in this healing process?

Would this be a basis for why longeitivity of psychoanalyst ???


Jesus my boss

Jesus, how do I work for my new boss in this new job as an independent researcher in brain-mind psychology and a healing psychologist that build on systematic understanding of facilitators/stressors of healing?

I got the head's call on 8 May 2009 at around 4pm on my bus ride between main campus and medical faculty. I was elected as the first choice among two candidate by the selection broad, finally, after 10 days of discussions since the first round of interview. The second choice would automatically be transferred to the second round of interview in late June.

Jesus' Gal: Where are you?

Jesus: I am inside of you.
You are inside of me.

Jesus' Gal: How do I go about with my new boss on earth, as
it is in heaven in your kingdom?

Jesus' Gal: Am I to stand firm in YOU amidst the new opportunities, challenges, healings, new waves of OC influences????

Jesus: Hold me tight. We walk together. I am embracing you with my arms.

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