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不能沒有曈暻 。 而且是有關終身服侍神的曈暻。

Because of my placement at the forensic psychiatric half-way house, the social workers' suggestion of group therapy for their in- and/or out-patient clients, being relapse prevention and/or cognitive skills rehabilitation, therefore better occupational and adaptative functioning.. I search and search the literature.

I found that behavioral family intervention, including
expressed emotion, problem-solving skills, relapse prevention
psychoeducational seminars with the patients and their care-takers
have strong evidence for decreasing number of relapse and hospitalization.

On the other hand, I found that cognitive rehabilitation or remediation has a
medium effect size of 0.30 - 0.70 on cognitive abilities and even social and
functional outcomes, especially for UCLA's social skills training, and
integrated psychological therapy.

This give me the ground for specializing my clinical/intervention research and clinical service as a long term current and future direction. I have a peaceful mind and heart as I developed this idea. It serves my continual yearn of helping the patients
directly, something is useful for them and I can investigate about its
effectiveness through research and also implement my clinical therapeutic role
as a CP.

However, along this line, I find myself an area that I can seriously
put myself in, contribute, put in as much effort as possible, and the
academic rank and everything would be helpful too for taking up a
professional role and leading role in this.

I may get back to EC's team, that sounds a bit horrible.

But, along this line of career development (can find the appropriate medical school easier too for US internship)... when, where, how is my place to take up a pastoral psychologist's role??? a Pastor's role??

I feel the segregation from God as I indulge into this
cognitive remediation or academic career. It is like I would not be able to
bring this training and expertise back into the world of Christianity and as
a Pastor. I would be spending much time in that area, in that
academia-clinical role, and where is the place as a pastor? As a pastoral
psychologist in such settings, or any possibility of such roles in the

I cannot promote Christianity like a pastor would do at a
church. But
a) what is the role or how to do so through the church in my
professional/academic role in my work setting... and
b) bring into the Christian world in my professional and academic role at univ.?
How can I collaborate or teach in a seminary?
I don't quite like the role of LH and Yip M S, but I like a more down-to-earth stance of integrating C & Psy, like that in Cambridge, no mirth, no hiding, no pretense, no high-sounding or profiling or mystification of psy as supreme....nothing like that at all,
just a humble worker serving with strong Christian values and faith at her heart and mind when she practice humbly the craftmanship of psychological on specific psychiatric issues.
I don't know how that'd happen...

Everything I get
is for being in this call as my Triune God's daugther, and on His road.
How can I serve Him?
How can I cleanse
my soul and stay quietly with Him,
knowing that and
being that
I am totally and
seeking completely His guidance for me?????

I dream the dream ~~

I find cognitive rehabilitation psychologists in the
Yale Community Medical Center. I wonder if I can
further specialize and find a
good Christian clinical psychologist as my
mentor there?? Or that I may be a
blessing for Christianity for my
respectable future mentor who also needs

I feel at peace, although it also sounds extremely impossible ~

I research about cognitive remediation and do my clinial internship on psychiatric patients utilizing group and community approaches as the main axis, and less on individual therapy. Really bring about social and therapeutic contributions for patient's quality of life.

~~What about their spiritual needs? How would I guide them and leave them to their own free will and God's sovereignty (God's free will)? What and how to approach psychiatric patients' spiritual needs? I don't want to get into the dynamics of theology and psychology as if competing dominance over secular world.

From my concern over spiritual needs for my patients, and my continual experience of God's action in my work, and my church...

I would like to take up divinity studies at the same univ. In just a few blocks away... and I see their openess and all... After my licensure, maybe do 2 subjects per semester for 2 yeas (max) as nondegree student at YDS, and transferred up to 1yr of work for MDiv or MAR.

"Successful completion of a course is noted on the student’s transcript, and transcripts will be mailed to other institutions upon request. If the student desires to enroll for a degree, the regular admission procedure must be followed. After admission as a degree candidate, students may petition the Professional Studies Committee for an evaluation of the work they did as nondegree students. The maximum number of courses that can be accepted from work done as a nondegree student at the Divinity School is eight courses toward the M.Div. or the M.A.R. (concentrated or comprehensive) degree requirements "

I don't know if this is also what my
Father seek for me...

I want to know my

I don't know why I don't have the peace of mind, or maybe due to my own suspiciousness, or my guardedness in attempts trying to integrate theology into therapy and yet doesn't sound like theology, appeal to common yearns of men in bringing out therapy... hiding away from the
philosophical and theological adherance of it... and also doesn't seek a serious
Christian faith as the basis for its practice....

Or utilizing some therapy into
Christian arms without highlighting or addressing Christian use... I may be
wrong about the purpose of such integration, but I somehow don't have the
confidence and peace of mind to follow it and indulge myself into it. It is
something that I can just practice and currently don't see that I can research
about it.

I don't know why I have this reluctance
towards the idea..

God, should I write to LH anyway and also
apply to thier Christian-based internship anyway???


I am learning to be a Christian along with my professional role in my career
setting. I don't know how to adjust the sincerety, authenticity, professional
goal-directed qualities in different roles and expectations by colleagues or
classmates or collaborators ...


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