Blogger Template by Blogcrowds Edition are pleased to announce the publication of a new book of
Thierry Gaillard

Œdipus Reborn
A Transgenerational Mythanalysis
(Translated by John Paval)
"This book reveals an important discovery: the transgenerational unwritten laws that operate in Œdipus' destiny. By integrating the knowledge of the Ancients, this new understanding of the myth will forever change our view on Sophocle's masterpieces."
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There is ancient wisdom to be found in the famous Greek tragedy. Œdipus Reborn reveals the transgenerational laws operating in Sophocles’ masterpieces and restores their true meaning.
This discovery makes it clear that Œdipus was the heir of non-integrated events, such as deaths which had not been mourned. This heritage alienated him from his true self and obliged him to be rebirth. Despite its tragic consequences, the climax of the drama nevertheless leads to a new birth, the birth of the subject in Œdipus. “Today you will die and be reborn all at the same time” Tiresias warns. In spite of being alienated by the legacy of his ancestors, Œdipus is reborn as a subject and ultimately achieves self-fulfillment when he becomes the hero of Colonus, the guarantor of its prosperity.
When associated in a transgenerational viewpoint, the two plays of Sophocles, Œdipus Rex and Œdipus at Colonus, resemble many ancient initiatory stories. Symbolically, Œdipus’ reunion with Mother Earth represented by Jocasta and the honors he wins at Colonus, are the significant stages of a rebirth, comparable to the rites of passage from childhood to adulthood which are found in all civilizations.
Instead of reducing Œdipus to his alienations as is usually the case, this essay shows that Sophocles had built his plays on the principles of emancipation from transgenerational alienation, a dimension of the psyche which was well known to the Ancients.
Thierry Gaillard combines ancient wisdom and contemporary transgenerational theory in a way that will forever change our view of the Œdipus myth. »

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