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To start 2014, Ecodition Edition are pleased to announce free shipping until 17 january (use code SHIPSHAPE14) for the new books of
Thierry Gaillard M.A.
The Emergence of the Self
(24.71$, 178 pages , Ecodition 2014 , ISBN 9782940540020)
(Translated by John Paval)
"Even before we were born, we were bound to the unfinished histories of our parents, of our ancestors, of our society. Like open circuits, the charges of this heritage influence our lives for we cannot cut ourselves off from our roots without losing an essential part of ourselves. These histories replay themselves in some of the difficulties we encounter in our own lives, often programming the same outcomes again and again. The various ways in which we try to protect ourselves from them, by becoming withdrawn for example, or through excessive conformity to others and to society at large, prevent us from truly being ourselves and living in the present moment. 
The author invites us to understand the laws which govern these transgenerational legacies. His approach goes beyond the established clichés. Rather than striving in vain to cut the ties to our origins, we should learn to integrate them, drawing upon traditional wisdom and the Oedipus plays of Sophocles for inspiration. The key to emancipation from these problematic heritages does not lie in constructing barriers or armouring ourselves defensively, but rather in reconnecting with our selves and with others at a more profound level, one which is often unconscious. Rather than compounding an all too individualistic and egocentric approach, which can only disconnect us from others and from our origins, the author proposes reconnecting with our true selves so as to return to, and be rooted in, the essentials of life" Read more ...

Ancient Traditions and Transgenerational Perspectives
By Thierry Gaillard 
(24.01 $, 68 pages , Ecodition 2014, 2nd edition , ISBN 9782940540-04-4)
(Translated by John Paval)

"The masterpieces which have triumphed over time contain secret wisdom. In their work, the authors include timeless messages addressed to History and to all mankind. So it is with the plays which Sophocles devoted to Oedipus more than 2400 years ago, which are still performed today. Their enduring presence testifies to the learning they contain which is no less worthy of interest because it goes beyond reason, on the contrary. 

A new form of analysis, called transgenerational, enables us to penetrate behind the scenes, backstage in Sophocles’ theatre. The discovery of a transgenerational structure underpinning Sophocles' work changes everything. This discovery invites us to reconsider the entire story of Oedipus in a different light, thereby unveiling a formerly unsuspected meaning. Paradoxically, such a rereading of the celebrated myth merely restores its traditional meaning, one which is more in line with the wisdom of Antiquity. By bringing out the unseen aspects of his work, we come to understand that Sophocles shared with the Ancients a veritable science of the "transgenerational." Through his Oedipus Rex and Oedipus at Colonus, he passes on this knowledge to use in the manner of the great tragedians, philosophers before their time, who played an important role as guides of the collective awareness of their time" Read more ...
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