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In these two-3 days, my mind is full of plan about divinity training as it has been in my call, and I fear that I might lose it as my love for Jungian grows, or maybe they are complementary, but it just takes so much time.

My biggest concern: when I give birth and raise a baby, when can I have the time, energy, heart, focus, money to do all these? And I thought that I might not be able to do Thai work if my baby is just 1-2 years old??? Well, actually, I think this is more possible as I don't have to worry about his/her education. If he or she is already 3yrs old, then I have to leave him or her behind in HK ??? I really can't.

And I think I'd face lots of opposition from parents about bringing a small baby to Thai villages and that it might get hurt or so... I don't think so at all!

I think it is a great opportunity for me to take a rest, focus on baby raising, away from work, and just do divinity courses in that half year.


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