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God, May I seek you, knock at your door, and wait on you...

Please, help me.

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History of 23 years started by a Jesuit Father

Dr. Kathrin Asper.

Dr. Asper was born in 1941 in Zurich. She received her Ph.D (literature and pedagogics) from the University of Zurich in 1968. Dr. Asper is in private practice as a psychotherapist since 1978 in Meilen, Switzerland. She is a Jungian analyst, a supervisor, a training analyst (SGAP/ISAP), a senior analyst (IAAP) and lectures worldwide. Kathrin has authored several books, including "The Inner Child in Dreams", "The Abandoned Child Within", and "On Losing and Regaining Self-Worth."

Nathalie Baratoff, lic.phil.

Ms. Baratoff engaged in Russian area studies at Brown University (BA) and Zurich University (lic. phil.I). She has a diploma from C.G. Jung-Institute Zurich (1987). Nathalie is the Director of Program, and is responsible for building up of the library. She has been a lecturer and examiner at ISAPZURICH since 2004. She is now a training and supervising analyst of ISAPZURICH (Since 2005). Nathalie is in private practice in Zurich and Schönenberg. Her areas of special interest in Jungian Psychology are fairy tales, active imagination, typology and dreams.

Deborah Egger-Biniores, M.S.W.

Received a B.A. degree in religion and psychology from Hendrix College, a private liberal arts school in Arkansas. She was employed by the United Methodist Church for 14 years as director of Christian education, counseling and music. She earned the Master of Clinical Social Work degree in 1982 from the University of Arkansas and was granted the Diploma in Analytical Psychology from the C.G. Jung Institute, Zurich in 1991. She is a training analyst and teacher at ISAP and has a private practice in Stafa.

Dr. Hansueli Etter.

Dr. Etter studied at the University of Zurich in anthropology. He worked for fifteen years as an archeologist and he also studied at the Jung Institute ("digging soil out of the unconscious!). He lectures at the University of Basil. Dr. Etter founded the Center for Depth Psychology according to C. G. Jung and Marie Louise Von Franz. He has a private practice in Zurich. Dr. Etter is the President on the C. G. Jung Foundation in Zurich.

Dr. Dirk Evers.

Born in 1942 in Essen, Germany, where he attended primary school and was active in gymnastics. He studied developmental psychology, philosophy and theology. He earned his doctorate in theological ethics at the University of Munich in 1975. His works include a dissertation on "Ethical Behavior in the Word-Field' of Encounter". Trained at the C. G. Jung Institute, Zurich, he received a diploma in 1979. He performed psycho-social counseling in the Catholic parish in Kusnacht until 1986, and remains in private practice in Zurich. Dirk is a training analyst and supervisor(AGAP/IAAP). He has additional training in IS-TDP, Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy.

Dr. Allan Guggenbuhl. PhD, psychologist and educationalist, analytical psychotherapist. Raised in Omaha, Nebraska and Zurich. He is a former school teacher and classical guitarist. Allan is a lecturer at the C.G. Jung Institute of Zurich on men's issues, educational topic form the perspective of archetypal psychology and on violence. In Switzerland and Germany, he is well known through a special violence intervention program, the Institute for Conflict Management and Mythodrama located in Bern and Zurich. The program is applied in schools where violence has become a problem. The program includes teachers and juveniles, and helps them take the necessary steps to curb the problem of violence. Dr. Guggenbuhl is a professor at the University of Education of the State of Zurich.

John Hill. Born in Dublin in 1943. Received primary and secondary education in Ireland. B. A. in philosophy from University College, Dublin (1966). M.A. in philosophy from Catholic University, Washington D.C. Diploma from C.G. Jung Institute, Zurich (1973). Since then, he has been in private practice in Zurich and lectures at ISAP. Some of his topics of interest are: The Association Experiment, Celtic Myth, Transference, Dreams, etc. Mr. Hill has been a training analyst since 1982.

Elena Hinshaw-Fischli. Elena is a psychotherapist with specialization in functional, psychosomatic disorders, a dance therapist, and a consultant expert of the Swiss national board against power and sexual abuse by the clergy. She is the co-founder and editor of Daimon Publishing Company. She is co-author of several documentaries (films) on the topic of migration and environmental issues. Elena lives and works in Einsiedeln since 1986.

Dr. Martin Kalff, Ph.D.

Holds degrees in theology and history of religion. He is a founding member of the International Society for Sandplay Therapy. He has been involved in the Study of Buddhist philosophy and meditation for over thirty years in the tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. He provides counseling through Sandplay Therapy with an emphasis on spiritual development and teaches meditation.

Dr. Kathryn Kuisle. Dr. Kuisle grew up in Minnesota and has lived and worked in Germany and Italy. Since 2004 she has a private practice as a Jungian analyst in Colorado Springs, Colorado. She graduated from the C. G. Jung Institute-Zurich, in 2001 and hold a PhD in analytical psychology from Union Institute and University in Cincinnati. Dr. Kuisle is an affiliate faculty member of Regis University and teaches in the training program at the C. G. Jung Institute of Colorado.

Bernard Sartorius.

Bernard Sartorius was born in Bern, Switzerland. He studied theology at Geneva University. Bernard served as parish and youth minister. He trained in Jungian analytical psychology at the CG Jung Institute in Zurich and served as a training analyst there and now is a training analyst at ISAP (International Seminar of analytical Psychology). In the last years, he has made many trips to Islamic countries and has had discussions with Muslims about "our situation" in connection with the concerns of Islam. Mr. Sartorius is married and has one daughter who is 8 years old.

Dr. Murray Stein.

Murray Stein, Ph. D. is a training analyst at the International School of Analytical Psychology in Zurich, Switzerland. He is a founding member of the Inter-Regional Society for Jungian Analysts and the Chicago Society of Jungian Analysts and was president of the International Association for Analytical Psychology from 2001 to 2004. He has written several books, including "Jung's Treatment of Christianity", "In MidLife and Jung's Map of the Soul. He is the editor of Jungian Analysis (Open Court) and a publisher (Chiron Publications), where he has edited the Chiron Clinical Series.

Sister Kay Wagner.

Sister Kay is a Franciscan Sister from Rochester, Minnesota. She received an M.A. in pastoral studies, with a concentration in pastoral counseling from Loyola University in Chicago, Illinois. Sister Kay also obtained an M. A. in Social Work and is a licensed independent clinical social worker. She is certified by the National Board of Certified Counselors, as well as certified "fellow" level by the American Association of Pastoral Counselors. Kay has been doing individual, couple and family counseling for 20 years. She specializes in play therapy with children and sandplay therapy with adults and children. She began her Sandplay training with ISST-certified Sandplay therapists in the early 1980s. Kay was the founding director of the Family Life Consultant Office in Chicago, Illinois and is the founding director of the Pastoral Counseling Center in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where she continues to practice her work as a therapist. Kay has received extensive training in Jungian thought and principle, making use of the discipline Jung developed as a therapy method to assist people in finding their spiritual and psyche healing. Email:

Rev. Jim Wolff.

Born in Canada where he was ordained a Roman Catholic priest in 1954. He holds a diploma in cathechetics from Lumen, Vitae, Brussels, Belgium, and has an M.A. in religious education. He is licensed in the State of New Mexico as a Mental Health Counselor.

Dr. Dirk Evers:
"The inner world of relationships: How to work with couples based on C.G. Jung's Typology and E. Wartegg's Picture Test of Emotional Awareness"

The Passion

Be the channel and help for others.
May the Word of God uses me to channel through
the darkness and spirituality of us sinners (the totality of the Psyche)
help those you brought me unto
to have HOPE,
experience LOVE that
to led a Life of FAITH of our Christ.


It is now still very weak, my ego to go forward and BE the channel. May God strengthen me, and my Call, walk in your divine call.

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